30 September-2 October 2021
Varna, Bulgaria
Sponsored by: John Atanasoff Society of Automatics and Informatics
Technically supported by: Technical University of Varna, IEEE by Bulgarian section, Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions, Laboratory of Telematics - BAS .
Dear participants in the International Conference Automatics and Informatics 2021, the conference proceedings of ICAI'21 has already been published in IEEE Xplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/searchresult.jsp
Dear colleagues,
Due to the numerous inquiries and the great interest in the International IEEE Conference "Automatics and Informatics 2021" (ICAI'21), the National Organizing Committee of the conference is pleased to inform you that the deadline for paper submission is extended until 31.07.2021 and have been changed the other deadlines.
"Most of the authors received a message on the accepted papers, but due to the large number of reports and the fact that August is a holiday month, there are more reports for review. If someone has not yet received information about an accepted report, it does not mean that his report has been rejected. The authors will continue to receive information on the acceptance of the reports after August 30."
Dear colleagues,
In order to protect the participants in the ICAI'21 from the dangers associated with COVID-19, the National organizing committee, it was decided to hold the conference entirely ONLINE. We ask the authors to follow the conference instructions on the conference website.
The International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI) traditionally is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria during the John Atanasoff days in October every year. The conference has more than 50 years of history and has significantly contributed to the development of automation and computer technology in Bulgaria.
Since 2020 conference organizers are the John Atanasoff Society of Automatics and Informatics, Technical University of Varna, IEEE by Bulgarian section and Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions in Bulgaria. The conference program for ICAI’21 includes: Plenary session, Invited symposia and Workshops, Scientific sessions, Young researchers school, Poster session and Company presentations and Exhibitions.The purpose of the conference is to bring together international researchers and industrial practitioners interested in the development and implementation of modern technologies for automation, information, computer science, artificial intelligence and others.
The organizing committee of the conference is inviting interested researchers and professionals to submit papers describing significant scientific achievements and innovations in all scientific areas of the conference.
Congratulations from the President of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bulgarian
in English

How to Become an Effective Data Scientist?
Arthur Kordon
Kordon Consulting LLC
The data scientist has been pronounced by a famous Harvard Business Review article as "the sexiest job of the 21st century" and is still highly ranked in the list of "the best jobs in America." The talk will focus on the crucial role of data scientists as the drivers in introducing Artificial Intelligence in practice. The features of the main categories of data scientists and their knowledge requirements will be defined. Special attention will be given to clarifying the expected skillsets from successful data scientists, such as problem-solving, applying the scientific method, good communication skills, analyzing the data, building mathematical models, and programming in Python. Some ideas on how to accomplish these skillsets will be proposed.